Our couriers cannot deliver to a PO Box. They are too small to hold our daily living aids and this means they will be sent back to us.
Therefore, please only use a residential/street address when you order from our website. When ordering from our website, we ask that you supply us with your Eirco...
Discount codes on our website are not case-sensitive. This means when you enter your discount code, you don’t need to worry about upper case or lower-case letters.
For example, if you were to type your discount code like this ‘’UccelloDesigns’’, ‘’UCCELLODESIGNS’’ or like this ‘’uccellodesigns’’ ...
In the unlikely event that you have not received your order within 10 working days, please contact our Customer Care Team with your order number and they will resolve this issue for you.
Your order number is unique to you, and you would have received this in your ''Order Confirmation'' email dire...
If you believe that you will not be at home when your order will be delivered, you can leave a note for our couriers to leave your parcel with a neighbour or in a safe area of your home/garden e.g., porch.
Still a little worried they may not see it? Please feel free to contact our Customer Care T...
Once the cancelation of your order is successful, we will issue your refund immediately. The refund itself is immediate but it can take between 5-10 working days to receive the amount into your account.
Should you have any issues or have not received your refund after 10 working days, please cont...